A Few words About Megan

Megan was born into a family rich with southern gospel music involvement. Her mother, Judith Montgomery, was raised in a family that evangelized in song for several years and continued within her family. Megan first sang on a stage at the age of three with the iconic tune of “Jesus Loves Me”. Megan joined her mom officially at the age of 14 and immensely enjoys the journey of 27 ongoing years in singing with her family. God challenged Megan entirely out of her comfort zone into a solo ministry on the side when she is not singing and traveling with Judith Montgomery Family. Megan stated, "Lifting up Jesus in song has been a foundation my entire life and I hold the banner high and boldly for Him."

Question: What do you do for a living?

Megan: Well, ministry is my passion, however, I have an amazing full-time job as a special education teacher. I enjoy showing love to a child that sees in themselves their weaknesses and watch them thrive to a higher potential than they thought could ever be achieved.

Question: What are your hobbies?

Megan: Wouldn’t ya know it includes more music! I enjoy listening to music, tinkering on the piano and guitar, traveling, and reading. Oh, I can’t forget having a puzzle or two.

Question: Who are inspirational artists that have impacted your life?

Megan: Several records from The Perry’s were such an encouragement to me when I was young. I also greatly enjoyed listening to The Hoppers, Greater Vision, Brian Free and Assurance, Karen Peck and New River, Jeff and Sheri Easter, just to name a few…

Question: How did you get saved?

Megan: I was saved around the age of 12 in a little white church. I don’t remember the sermon, nor who was preaching, but I do remember my heart’s longing to have a relationship with Jesus Christ when I invited him to come into my heart. Oh, the joy and confidence I had felt that evening knowing Jesus is always with me.

Question: What is your favorite memory of singing?

Megan: I have so many, but my all-time favorite is one I don’t remember, ironically. I was around 5 years old and was outside playing at my dad’s work singing “He’s still workin’ on me, to make me what I ought to be…”. A UPS driver pulled up and was going to commit suicide that day. He later told my parents that if a child could sing that, then God was still working on him. This is my favorite memory because it’s often in the unintentional everyday moments focused purely on Jesus that we make the greatest of impacts.

Question: What word of encouragement or scripture do you have for the hurting heart?

Megan: My two favorite pieces of scripture are found in Proverbs 3:5-6 and Jeremiah 29:11-13. Both of these carry a similar thought that God knows our hearts far more than we give him credit for. He has plans far bigger than we could imagine and most of which do not pertain to what we may think. Our deeper relationship with Him will always provide us with the peace and well-being we need when we search for Him with all our hearts.